Tips for travelling to Morocco

Traveling to Morocco can be an incredible and enriching experience. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your trip:

Visa and Entry Requirements: Check the visa requirements for your country before traveling to Morocco. Some nationalities may need a visa, while others might be eligible for visa-free entry for a certain period.

Best Time to Visit: The best time to visit Morocco is during the spring (March to May) and fall (September to November) when the weather is pleasant and not too hot. Summers can be extremely hot, especially in the desert regions.

Cultural Etiquette:

Clothing: Morocco is a conservative country, especially in smaller towns and rural areas. Dress modestly, covering your shoulders and knees, to respect local customs.

Greetings: Greet people with “Salam alaykum” (peace be upon you) and respond with “Wa alaykum as-salam” (and peace be upon you too).

Right Hand: The right hand is considered cleaner and more appropriate for eating and shaking hands.

Language: Arabic and French are the official languages. English is widely spoken in tourist areas, but learning a few basic Arabic phrases can go a long way in connecting with locals.

Currency: The currency is Moroccan Dirham (MAD). Cash is widely accepted, especially in smaller towns. Credit cards are also accepted in many places.

Bargaining: Bargaining is a common practice in Moroccan markets (souks). It’s expected, so don’t hesitate to negotiate the price when shopping for goods.

Local Cuisine:

Tagine: A traditional Moroccan dish cooked in a special clay pot of the same name. It’s a slow-cooked stew of meat, vegetables, and spices.

Mint Tea: Moroccan mint tea is a cultural staple. It’s a sweet and refreshing tea made with green tea leaves, fresh mint, and sugar.


Health Precautions: Consult your doctor about vaccinations and health precautions before traveling. Drink bottled or boiled water to avoid stomach issues.

Scams: Be cautious of scams, especially in tourist-heavy areas. Always agree on prices and services upfront to avoid misunderstandings.


Trains: Morocco has an extensive and reliable train network that connects major cities.

Buses: Buses are another cost-effective way to travel between cities and towns.

Taxis: Shared taxis are common for shorter distances within cities.

Renting a Car: If you plan to explore remote areas, renting a car can give you more flexibility.

Cultural Sites:

Marrakech: Visit the vibrant markets of Jemaa el-Fnaa, the Majorelle Garden, and the stunning Bahia Palace.

Fes: Explore the historic Fes el-Bali medina, home to ancient madrasas and mosques.

Chefchaouen: Discover the “Blue City,” known for its blue-painted streets and buildings.

Sahara Desert: Consider a Morocco Sahara Desert excursion to experience the breathtaking sand dunes and starry nights.

Respect for Local Customs:

Photography: Always ask for permission before taking photos of people, especially in rural areas.

Religious Sites: Respect local customs when visiting mosques and religious sites. Non-Muslims generally aren’t allowed inside mosques during prayer times.

Remember that each traveler’s experience is unique, so be open to immersing yourself in the local culture, trying new foods, and interacting with the friendly people of Morocco.

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